Tuesday, February 20, 2007

the humans think i know something

i was nabbed. i was taken to the liquid room. they shut the door. i was placed in the waterfall box. i was drenched and some substance was rubbed into my fur. it was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life, next to the portable cage. *shudder*

i was then subjected to more drenching, and then i was shaken by what looked like large tents. and then they brought out the little red wind machine. terror of terrors! i was paralyzed by fear!

and i talked! mercy of morris, i talked! they caught me completely by surprise and i'm ashamed to say that i must have given some sensitive information before i knew what happening. anything to make them stop! oh, garfield! i then tried my best to feed the humans lies, but i don't know if they bought it. i didn't think they had cracked my code language, but they are sneaky. i babbled like a kitten.

it's strange, though. i feel oddly refreshed. like i'm wearing new skin. sufferin' succotash, those humans are wily. i will have to be more careful. i must have done something to tip them off.

Friday, February 09, 2007


my new favorite movie is team america. stupid puppet humans. this is my kim jung il impression.

be afraid. be very afraid, humans.