Thursday, July 27, 2006

do i like you?

Ummm...there may have been some confusion earlier where i said I love Cats and Dogs but not real ones. It's true! I've chosen to tolerate a couple temporarily (Chloe and Kelsey), but they're technically family. Can't choose 'em, you know; they're not going anywhere. I put my paw down, though, while i was there. i was not to be bothered. and i mama-puppy-slapped that hyper mongrel more than once.

Anyway, I really don't like other cats. It might be due to repressed anger from being separated from my sister at 6 months old, not wanting to allow any other cat close because it would only by a mockery of our bond -- and how could I possibly do that to her memory?

But what do I know? I'm just a cat.

Once, we were living in a box close to water. (and HUGE predatory birds, but that's another story) I lived with just the two humans then. They thought they would be kind to a homeless cat (they didn't know any better, really). They fed it some of MY food, out on the doorstep. Then for some reason thought maybe it would like to come INSIDE for an evening visit.


They opened the door, it walked in. into MY domain. I approached slowly, my low warning growl on "low." when it started to warm up to its situation, walking towards me like an old pal, i let her/him/it have it! soon i had it cornered in the bedroom and was making quick work of her/him/it (i was too busy kicking its ass to check the plumbing, as crude humans say). the humans were making some crazy noises (scared to death, i'm sure) and i heard my name a lot (my own personal cheering section!), but I took care of the problem. one of them opened the front door and the stray escaped.

and i was given a treat.

protecting your country sure makes you hungry. too bad i didn't know about chocolate then. i would have demanded a much higher quality treat for my trouble.

I love Cats and Dogs! (but not real ones)

Sufferin' succotash, i love the movie Cats and Dogs. I watched it today while my humans were away. The secluded one was, well, secluded in her room. She had no clue what I was up to. I was prepared to "assume the gravyboat position," as she likes to say, and feign disinterest, as if the other two had absentmindedly left the TV on (plausible since the female IS getting rather absentminded-professor-ish.) But, Plan L was not needed; saved for another day.

I've given up trying to teach the my language to my captors. (I'm feeling a little imprisoned today) They're getting better at reading the TONE of my voice, and following me if I'm REALLY persistent.

Yesterday, I got to eat chocolate. Not much, since I was informed it could kill me, but a microbe of it. HEAVEN ON EARTH. And not just any chocolate, some frosting off a Hostess cupcake. Me Ow.

I'm going to watch my movie again. Because I can! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

mellowdramatic moping

humans are so clumsy. they can't control their limbs. this morning, i was just minding my own business, relaxing on their super-sized bed, when the short one repositioned her arm and, in doing so, bopped me in the mouth. i say "bopped," because that's the noise it made.

i wasn't injured, but my self-esteem was hurt a little. like when you get hit, but it didn't hurt, but it completely surprised you, so you think you're hurt. or at least you act like it.

oh, she tried to make me feel better, apologizing, smoothing my fur, telling me it was an accident. (this is where learning human-speak really comes in handy, otherwise i would have had no other option but the claws)

i can't bear to look at her. i can't bear to not be near her, but i just can't look at her.
it hurts too much.

holy heathcliff, listen to me! you'd think i was human myself.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

mysterious pigment

today my hut-mates, the humans, abandoned me. for a time, but they abandoned me nonetheless. the military-minded one took my previous advice and DID leave . . . only to return after awhile and continue his drills; this time they include baseball. what a confusing program.

the females left with another female, carrying bags and a large blanket. maybe someday i'll see "the beach" for myself. i watched sadly as the short one wagged her hand at me, said something unintelligible (i know it was to me, i heard my name being spoken) and closed the door.

here's where it gets wierd. apparently there is a high level of radiation at "the beach" for when the girls returned, something had happened to their skin. it must not be painful, though, because no one seemed particularly concerned. they were all either considerably darker, or different hues of pink and red. so strange. at least if i ever walk outside i won't have to worry about that happening to me. my fur will protect me.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

treachery in the domicile

yesterday the short one left. she said not where she was going. only "be good"...what ever the duece that means!
as if some kind of a sick joke she left the fat one in charge. oh he is sure to feed himself but i will probably have to steal from his plate when he leaves the room like i normally do. i believe he is receiving military training. ever since the short one left he has been in front of a monitor practicing military procedures and killing little pretend humans.
hhmph, maybe he should practice getting on a treadmill.

oh if and when the pig tailed one returns there is a meeting scheduled with her cheek and the back of my paw. this type of treachery will not go unnoticed or unretaliated.

mark my words humans, the day will come when your cereal will have an odd sort of taste that you won't be able to place, but i will know the origins my friends, i will know.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

water into whine

You know, I hate to sound like I'm always complaining. And I know that the short one is "getting on up there in years." But I had to ask not once, not twice, but THREE times for her to feed me. I even walked into the pantry to point at the catfood bag but she just shooed me out.

And THEN, while she was talking into a device she held up to her ear (I really think she's just talking to herself), she actually NOTICED my food dish. Triumph! And then she just walked back into her red room and promptly forgot. As Garfield himself once said, "Aaaaaargh!!"

So, I resorted to another measure. I figured it was worth a try. I sat at her feet, looked up at her, licked my chops and whined a little bit. I abhor whining, but when a girl is hungry, a girl is hungry.

She caught on pretty quick, I will say, and apologized profusely. I was so relieved that I cantered back to my food dish.

I may be fat someday, but by Morris, I'm going to be happy.

Monday, July 03, 2006

today's lesson

i taught my human the word "water" today. i'm not holding my breath, but we'll see if she understands when i say it tomorrow.



Sunday, July 02, 2006