Thursday, July 20, 2006

mellowdramatic moping

humans are so clumsy. they can't control their limbs. this morning, i was just minding my own business, relaxing on their super-sized bed, when the short one repositioned her arm and, in doing so, bopped me in the mouth. i say "bopped," because that's the noise it made.

i wasn't injured, but my self-esteem was hurt a little. like when you get hit, but it didn't hurt, but it completely surprised you, so you think you're hurt. or at least you act like it.

oh, she tried to make me feel better, apologizing, smoothing my fur, telling me it was an accident. (this is where learning human-speak really comes in handy, otherwise i would have had no other option but the claws)

i can't bear to look at her. i can't bear to not be near her, but i just can't look at her.
it hurts too much.

holy heathcliff, listen to me! you'd think i was human myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site » »