Anyway, I really don't like other cats. It might be due to repressed anger from being separated from my sister at 6 months old, not wanting to allow any other cat close because it would only by a mockery of our bond -- and how could I possibly do that to her memory?
But what do I know? I'm just a cat.
Once, we were living in a box close to water. (and HUGE predatory birds, but that's another story) I lived with just the two humans then. They thought they would be kind to a homeless cat (they didn't know any better, really). They fed it some of MY food, out on the doorstep. Then for some reason thought maybe it would like to come INSIDE for an evening visit.
They opened the door, it walked in. into MY domain. I approached slowly, my low warning growl on "low." when it started to warm up to its situation, walking towards me like an old pal, i let her/him/it have it! soon i had it cornered in the bedroom and was making quick work of her/him/it (i was too busy kicking its ass to check the plumbing, as crude humans say). the humans were making some crazy noises (scared to death, i'm sure) and i heard my name a lot (my own personal cheering section!), but I took care of the problem. one of them opened the front door and the stray escaped.
and i was given a treat.
protecting your country sure makes you hungry. too bad i didn't know about chocolate then. i would have demanded a much higher quality treat for my trouble.