i've come to learn the telltale signs for when the brigand bipeds are planning to leave me. nay, ABANDON me. and THIS time, the secluded one departed as well. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?! do i smell bad? it's not my fault!! seriously, people and pets. there is nothing i can do about that.
telltale sign #1: a veritable MOUND of food in my food dish, overflowing onto the floor.
telltale sign #2: the refuse device lid left in the UP position in one or both of the refuse rooms.
telltale sign #3: multiple bag type objects HANGING off the hapless humans, being carted out of the apartment.
telltale sign #4: both humans getting all up in my grill to pet my head, speak to me with strange voice inflections and WAVE to me.
so what is this WAVING about? i really don't get it. do they think i can wave back? can't really do that. i can BAT things with my kitty paws, but it doesn't really come across as waving. it comes across more like, HEY PAPARAZZI, I SAID GET OUT OF MY FACE!!!!

telltale sign #5: humanus absentia