speaking of putting down the humans, ...the fat one tried to tell me that i didn't NEED any more food or water, to which i informed him that he didn't NEED to live any longer

needless to say, i got both food AND water. fresh cold water.
i must go, i hear one of them meandering down the hall and they will be here any moment, unless they stop at the cooling box to stuff their faces. if you ask me, I should be the one eating at my leisure, and THEY should be the ones on a portion controled diet of water and burnt popcorn kerrnels. or whatever this crap is in my dish.
i mean seriously, would it be so hard to add a little gravy to this garbage?! or maybe even try one of those fresh, soft kitty meals i see advertised on the moving box. hmmm? whadd'ya say? naaawww, i didn't think so ya cheap bastards. stick with the 50 lbs of rock salt for $3, i just looooooove that.
damn! they are here i must go, viva la kitty-lution !!!!
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