Sunday, September 17, 2006

Day 1,761

so i was left alone with the rotund one this weekend, no thanks to the short one. if and when she returns there will be tongue lashings i promise you. the fool even believes that she can trick me with her amatuer attempts at deceit and disguise. her fur seems to be growing longer and longer, but trust me i still know who she is. and not to mention that it is always curly and wild, come to think of it, i have yet to see her lick herself once, maybe if she did she could get control of that mop. OR do what the portly one did this weekend and remove all of the fur on his head.

that was weird, it must have been some kind of warrior ritual, as he took all of his fur off, then sat down in front of the moving picture box with a gigantic plate of kibble (oh he brought me some kibble too, a bowl of hard gravel, very reminiscent of grape nuts, but i gave him a thank you lick on the cheek anyway, a thank you lick that was just previously washing my kitty parts !!! HA ). But he just sat there from morning till night and proceeded to watch other men chase after each other and tackle them into the ground. even as i type this sunday morning, it appears he is readying himself for yet another day of this!

what was really confusing is it appeared they were playing keep away, but when the other group retrieved the artifact, they would keep it in their possession for a while and then GIVE IT BACK TO THE ENEMY?!?! what kind of logic is that? i say now that you have recovered this treasure, take it and go home!

but if nothing else this weekend i did learn that when i do eventually take over this planet, i am going to have my human slaves brought before me to perform this "football" as i gather it was called (although the use of ones feet only seems to be the means by which to get to the oblong ball, maybe it should be called ballball or howabout just ball?) maybe i will even tie a ball to the end of a string and tie the string to a stick and dangle it over their heads and make them chase it for hours and look a fool, like i have seen them do to my brethren with a stupid feather or some weird, but very pretty and eye catching piece of bait. but anyway, when they play it before me there will be a couple of minute details i would like to change.
1. the periods should be shorter, i don't have all day and it did drag in some places

kitty out.

p.s. I pray to the god of felines, Morris, to bring victory to the Panthers, Jaguars, Lions, and Bengals !!!!

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