so there were these two monsters outside my bedroom window the other night. the humans flashed the dreaded bright lights at them, but they did not run away. it was so horrifying.
i did mock them from a safe distance, behind glass, but i don't think they were paying attention. they seemed busy eating something. probably dead remains. *shudder*
another one appeared today IN BROAD DAYLIGHT!! the short-hair flashed more bright lights at it and eventually it ran off into the woods. i'm positive it was a scout. hopefully the bright lights convinced it to leave us alone. i don't know if i'm going to be able to sleep tonight!!! i may have to sleep closer to the humans. they're warm anyway.
i'm a little shook up. i can't wait for the human to close the blinds. i keep imaging this monster just hovering out there in the snow. creepy!
i'm still trying to figure out what to put under the tree for the chris-human. i don't want him to be able to KNOW right off the bat what i've taken that he might miss....any suggestions???
(and by the way, somehow a posted comment from a red-haired friend -- the one with the brown-haired human attached to his arm -- way to go! -- got deleted. i'm terribly embarrassed...i think one of my humans is to blame. they're so inept and clutsy. please don't lose faith in me, friend! you're the only one i have on the inside...)

I do not understand what you mean by a scout, kittenfriend. Enlighten me.
-The Towering Ghostlike Human
do not fear my little friend. for i am still with you. your human masters fear the coming apocalypse that you are sure to bring. but they will not stop you. i continue to be ever vigilant in your service; no matter how many communications are intercepted and subsequently deleted.
unfortunately, my indentity can never be revealed lest my treachery and the betrayal of my own kind be revealed. however, for ease of coummunication you may refer to me as Gaius.
God speed little one. God speed.
dear gaius,
i just figured out this post thing. what a relief that you are still with me.
dear towering ghost human,
the monster scout was sent on ahead of the rest of his pack to see if it was safe. made me wish i had a gun. he wouldn't have seen THAT coming.
word to my peeps.
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