this is how I felt about the prisoner.
the humans aren't quite sure how she got here, but she will pay. this is my house, and I do not say neighborly things like "mi casa su casa." no way, jose.
but first, I have some questions.
what is your name?
what is your quest?
what is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
rabbit? what rabbit? i don't see a rabbit. what's a rabbit?
when the humans came home, they took these away from me, scolding me about some stupid geneva convention.
i don't do conventions.
cruel and unusual?
said prisoner rested comfortably in the refuse room. the bald one brought her out, probably for a tour -- he can be so hoSPITable. we had words. practiced our snake impersonations. I did restrain myself, though -- and my claws, since she's pretty defenseless except for some trimmed (ha!) hind claws. she may not even be a real claws...what kind of human-informed nonsense is that?! she wasn't much of a threat.
but I will say this (and the humans bear witness) SHE STARTED IT.
the humans meanwhile discovered where the vagabond came from, and have returned her to her rightful owner. i was under the bed when the actual exchange took place, but it sounded like it went well.
for me it was a tense weekend...i'm glad it's over, and my house is back to normal. silly humans...this is my house. and where are my tools of pain?!
Is that an African swallow or a European swallow?
what?! I don't know that!
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