Thursday, March 13, 2008

who the HISS is patrick?!

I overhead my humans talking tonight about someone called Sane Patrick. has anyone heard this? apparently he actually owns one day out of the year, and everyone celebrates.

I've done a little research, and it appears that in honor of this Sane Patrick (who also loved potatoes and corned beef) everyone wears funny green hats and puts green beverages in mugs. and they let mini humans run around in green outfits, and then sacrifice them to a pot of gold.

it's all very strange. and there's this strange green leaf that pops up everywhere: pins, hats, shirts, aprons, underwear -- you name it, it's there.


so because it doesn't make a whisker of sense to me, but I still love a good party, I am going to claim my OWN day for cattdom: March 18th (because the humans will be too hung over to notice) is now hereby declawed as THE FESTIVAL OF FATHER O'TABBY!

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