Thursday, March 13, 2008

4 things

i've been super busy. too busy to blog. but today I'm making time to do something a little mindless, and I'm stealing my human's post idea. just for fun.

so here are 4 THINGS ABOUT MYSELF:

Four jobs I have had in my lives:

1. assistant to pharaoh
2. rumpleteaser understudy
3. paper shredder
4. hiss-tory professor

Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over):

1. cats & dogs (cats rule, dogs drool)
2. the lion, the witch and the wardrobe (did you SEE that cat?!)
3. the shaggy dog (I enjoy seeing a dumb human become a dumb dog)
4. the jungle book (the bear is annoying, but the panther exudes cool)

Four places I have lived:

1. saginaw (where I was attacked by flying water)
2. kalamazoo (where i was a boxing champion)
3. kentwood (where I saw monsters in the snow)
4. wyoming (nothing excited has happened yet)

Four TV shows that I watch:

1. ellen
2. family guy (strangely enough, I totally relate to stewie)
3. the deadliest catch (that water is scary, but I can't look away!)
4. the moment of truth (stupid humans)

Four places I have been:

1. in a u-haul truck
2. game stop parking lot on the beltline
3. katie & adam's old house
4. the vet (it reeks of death...)

Four people who email (or see) me regularly:

1. the short hair
2. the bald one
3. the princess
4. the one I'm stalking

Four of my favorite (human) foods:
(cat food makes me want to vomit and then eat it again)

1. chocolate icing
2. granola
3. oyster crackers

Four places I would like to be right now:

1. outside
2. in a tree
3. catalina
4. under the bed (the humans put all their crap under there!)

Four things I am looking forward to this year:

2. learning Hungarian
3. getting a bath (I secretly love them!)
4. the humans NOT taking me to the vet (keep your paws crossed!)

Four souls who should also do this:

1. emmett (I know you're out there, dude...)
2. the red hair
3. heathcliff (his life is crazy)
4. saint morris

1 comment:

Emmet said...

Whassup biddy? I'm like so back. You know, I've decided to lay off the whole revolution thing for a while babe.

Have you ever tried surfing? It is like, so....spiritual. I feel like a totally new being.

I know you're a little harsh for that kind of thing but, whoah, it like tottaly changed my life.

Hope to hear from you.